Civilization Crisis, Humanity Cries.

What is called civilization? Is it not a system of living or a standard of living? We live in a civilization. By the help of globalization the common system and standard is prevailing all over the world. There is another cause for the same civilization all over the mankind.
That is the end result of Second World War. Before that British colonization had brought the theme to light, allover the mankind.

Now, the question is what the basic of the present civilization, what is the demand of the civilization? The basic theme of the present civilization is human sovereignty. That is the system and laws of man’s collective, economic and political life will be taken from people’s authority. The fundamentals of religion/creator will not carry values. 

The present situation of the world is miserable. Injustice is the daily habit which is done to whole mankind from the leaders and powerful persons.  

The oppressors have voice of peace and justice, but they are 100% false in their lecture .The oppressed are every one in everywhere. Dry. Hunger is the common scenario . Bloodshed has become the hot news of everyday newspapers. Fight between nations and killing thousands innocent people is the unavoidable result of the civilization crisis.

Today the voice of peace has risen. Humanity now demands a 
new system and standard of life. The present civilization has proven itself unable to maintain the technological development. It has only developed the materialistic human norm, which has the result of humanity lost people. 

Now what kinds of civilization do we want to live, to breath, to dream……….?

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