Learn English in the shortest time & easiest way

Whether you are a multilingual, bilingual, or monolingual, language is not something that you can learn. You become an efficient user of a particular language only because you undergo a natural process of acquisition.
This is why when we approach to learn a 2nd language using the conventional Grammar Translation Method; we might find ourselves in a quagmire regarding having a good command. 

There are two major obstacles we would be happy to pass over; one is the lateralization of our brain while the other being the absence of a crying need to express ourselves with the other language instead our mother tongue that we have already mastered in.

Because of the first one we lose our curiosity level along with the natural & gifted power to learn things quickly. And as our brain gets older, our LAD (language acquisition device) starts waning down. 

For the second one we are no more in the state of a child to murmur some helpless sound to get us expressed, and it never becomes an urgent need for us to develop the efficiency level of the second language. So it’s up to you how you will handle these shortcomings & here we go with some tips for you to develop your level of proficiency:

a. Once you determined to be a good user of English, take a deep breath, and start afresh.

b. Make sure that the environment around you is congenial to language acquisition. This might sound a little difficult for you if are not living in an English speaking community. Don’t worry about it. Try to read things in English if it be a newspaper, novel, article or even a magazine. Whatever you watch on TV, make sure that the medium of the program is English whether it is a movie, or a drama serial.

c. Look, you are receiving lectures on your mother tongue 24 hours a day. Get puzzled! A bit I think. Ok, let me clarify. Whatever you do or want to do, whatever you feel or think, whatever you need, your language keeps guiding you as an indispensable part of your entity & even when you sleep you possibly dream for a considerable amount of time and you will hardly find anybody dreaming in the second language. Now what you get to do is that help your target language get a little more time you spend both consciously & unconsciously.

d. Try to use English in any active conversation. If you find you troubled with it retake the conversation in your imagination.

Now everything is set for you to have a go. Be your own language instructor, Prepare a course plan for you. Try to be honest to yourself & be a little strict in guiding you through the course. Here I am to provide you with a sample course plan with some lecture plans which you might take for granted to learn English in the quickest possible time.

Be your own language instructor

Course Plan

Course duration – 01 month. 

Number of lectures – 25.

• There will be twenty five lectures each comprised of five different sections designed to develop the language skill of any person, by the practical method, inspired by the linguists’ approach to the 2nd language acquisition. 

• At the end of every three lectures, there will be a reviewing class.

plan for each lecture

1. Vocabulary:

a. Words having various uses or words necessary for some common but important expressions should be learned with examples. 

b. A list comprising at least ten words must be collected from your reading materials. Get those by heart with their pronunciation (using phonetic alphabet, shown with each word in a good dictionary, e.g. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary.) and usage. 

2. Common action verbs in different structures: 

Some important action verbs in their different forms and some other important words necessary to decorate the meaning might be added to each your self -made lecture plan.

You are supposed to practice the action verbs in different structures both in your writing & speaking session.

3. Situational English: 

You have to collect some written dialogues to get them introduced to conversational English. Learn how to ask questions, make requests, give orders etc. 

4. Idea Expansion: 

Pick up different ideas & topics familiar to yourself. Arrange some clues and 
key words. Start developing those ideas using the clues & key words.

5. Discourse Analysis: 

Chose a written context; read it out; receive information out of it; try to understand the concept roughly if not thoroughly. Finally it is up to you to start commenting on the context. 

The outlines of the model lecture plans: 

As your own language instructor now all that you get to do is to pick up a single item from each of the sections listed below and start preparing your lecture sheet. Believe me; you will learn better & quicker if you start making your own stuff yourself. Don’t get worried! I will be right there to provide you with some model lecture sheets for the sake of guiding you through. But in the end it’s you, only you, who can teach you. 

Vocabulary – a

1. Verb to be and to have as they sit alone. 
2. Have (some common uses)
3. Get (some common uses)
4. It in different structures 
5. There – the uses 
6. Happen and Enough (As they are used in English) 
7. Wish (in different expressions) I feel like. 
8. So (in different structures)
9. Suppose and dimension (usage and related words)
10. Hopeful (usage and related words) 
11. Modal –a (How they are met with different purposes) 
12. Modal – b (How they are met with different purposes) 
13. Since (in different structures) 
14. Movement (usage and related words)
15. Linking verbs related to our senses. 
16. Nice and cook (usage and related words)
17. Machine and pull (usage and related words)
18. Giggle and reason (usage and related words)
19. Teach, some and prowl (usage and related words) 
20. Travel and visit (usage and related words)
21. Some, talk 
and old (usage and related words)
22. Smirk, scatter and alone (usage and related words)

Vocabulary – b

You have to pick up at least ten new words a day from your reading materials. Having jolt them down onto your self-made lecture sheet go for their usage in a good dictionary & make sentences of your own in the way they are exemplified.

Common action verbs in different structures

1. Basic Tense Patterns– a.
Simple Present, simple past, simple future. 
2. Basic Tense Patterns – b.
Present Progressive, past progressive , present perfect, past perfect. 
3. Basic Tense Patterns – c
4. Commonly used passive structures:
Simple present, simple past, present perfect and modal verbs. 
5. Subject + Transitive verb + object. 
6. Subject + Transitive verb + double object. 
7. Subject + verb + adverbial of place. 
8. sub. + verb + adverbial of time. 
9. sub. + verb + adverbial of manner / by + gerund. 
10. sub. + verb + adverbial of reason / purpose ( to + verb/ for + gerund)
11. subject + verb + adverbials 
12. Commonly used structures on infinitive and commonly used structures on 
13. subject + verb + adjective / present participle + object 
& sub + verb + object + noun / adjective / present participle. 
14. sentence Enlargement – a . 
sub + verb + that .................
15. Sentence Enlargement – b. 
sub. + verb + (action indicating time when/while / as long as / as soon as etc. 
16. Sentence Enlargement – c
sub. + verb + (action indicating reason as, since, because, for etc. 
17. Sentence Enlargement – d
Subject + verb + action indicating purpose so that / in order that
18. Sentence Enlargement – e
Subject + verb + object + relative pronouns.
19. Not only ........ but also ; either or ........ neither nor. so ....... that, too ....... to, 
enough ....... to, weather ........... or, not so ........ as; as ......... as. 
20. some common similes and proverbs. 

Situational English

How to make a negation. 
2. How to ask a yes / no question. 
3. How to ask a WH question – a
4. How to ask a WH question – b
5. How to ask a WH question – c 

6. How to ask a complex question.
7. How to ask a tag question
8. Meeting someone and parting with someone Greetings and courtesy. 
9. Asking for favour and asking for repetition 
10. Making proposals 
11. Making requests. 
12. Giving orders and making suggestions
13. Giving expressions to a sudden emotion – a.
14. Giving expressions to a sudden emotion – b. 
15. Encourage, pray and course.
16 – 20. Conversation practice based on some imaginary situation. 

Idea Expansion

1. Talking about a person – a (Rahim)
2. Talking about a person – b (Rahim elaborated) 
3. Talking about a person – c (Without clues) 
4. Talking about a person – d (by making conversation and contrast) 
5. Describing yourself. 
6. Talking about a place – a 
- Your village Home 
7. Taking about a place – b 
- Your village
8. Talking about a place – c 
- Your city
9. Talking about a place – d 
- Your locality
10. Talking about your country. 
11. Talking about action / event – a 
The way you passed the last day. 
12. Talking about action / event – b 
The way you passed your last holiday. 
13. Describing a picnic. 
14. Describing one of your memorable days. 
15. Describing a historical place you visited. 
16. Describing a marriage ceremony. 
17 to 22 picture presentation. 

Discourse Analysis

1. Zamal is a student. He is ....................
2. Raju is feeling bad today. Being ....................
3. Rina and Rini are two sisters .........................
4. Rafique Reza and Rana are three friends. 
5. Mr. Rafique is rather a capricious person ........
6. Kazi Nazrul Islam. ................
7. Ratan is from comilla .............
8. Mr. Feroz lives in a small town ......................
9. In ancient Greece .....................................
10. The principal religion today ........................
11. It was 2005 .........................................
12. For the last two months Rafique and his friends ..................................
13. Rabindronath Tagore 
14. The principle religion .....................
15. Once upon a time there was a king named Asoka. 
16. Once there was a fox. 
17. Fabricating stories .................. a
18. Fabricating stories ....................b
19. Dialogue Discussion – a 
20. Dialogue Discussion – b 

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