Water Crisis in Bangladesh and Some Thoughts.

Nature creates and regulates every thing of the universe. In the course of time, nature itself under goes a change by its own law. This change though has merits and demerits yet this is essential for the cosmos. The destruction of one side of a river ensures new habitation on other side. In the same way,
any change in nature is replaced by a new creation. Accordingly the people, animals and plants get adapted with this change. But the tragedy arises when man disturbs nature and that make the life difficult or sometimes impossible 

Bangladesh, in spite of being a land of rivers, in recent years, has been facing a serious problem of water,. For many reasons, the rivers have lost its free flow and navigability hampering the total irrigation system of the country. Besides, owing to rapid situation  the river is now facing a danger of premature death. During summer and winter, the pumping of water for the purpose of irrigation makes the river almost dry.  

This leads shortage of water for drinking cooking and the other house hold works. The problems for the people living in huts and thatched houses are more alarming. They are to fetch water from distant places standing in a queue for hours together. Very often they are compelled to drink polluted water. The situations of rural people are also not pleasant as they live on drinking the arsenic contaminated water.

The crisis of water in a river in country like Bangladesh is most unfortunate. The construction of 
barrage and bridges across the rivers are mainly responsible for this tragedy. In order to get rid of the problem the following measures may be taken:

1. To ensure the free flow of water, the dredging of rivers is to be carried out periodically.

2. The marsh land and channel through out the country are to be excavated to reserve rain water.

3. The constructional work and land- plaguing by the side of the rivers should be strictly discouraged.

4. Water 
treatment plants in urban and deep tube wells in rural areas to be installed in appropriate places.

5. Easy availability of water for the poor living in the huts and thatched houses to be ensured

6. People should be made aware with the simple process of water purifying system.

Finally, it is the responsibility of the Government to ensure pure water for the people and accordingly steps should be taken.

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