Benefits Of Carrot

Juicing is the fast track to good health. Using organic vegetables for juicing allows you to take in more vegetables at one time than you would by eating raw or cooked vegetables. The concentrated vegetable mass in liquid form is easily assimilated,
thus making juicing daily ideal for health problems.

The body is more able to metabolize nutrients into the body's cells, especially since uncooked vegetables retain their enzymes. Raw vegetables provide all the enzymes you need for optimum assimilation.

But it's important to use a slow speed masticating juicer. They don't overheat the veggies to destroy any enzymes while juicing veggies. And they're often less expensive and easier to clean than high speed commercial juicers.

One thing is noticeable among those who juice regularly. Carrots are usually a staple. You can add apples, greens or beets. But carrots aren't as perishable as greens, store well with less space, and offer more juice with less expense.

Carrots are great as a base for juicing whatever else you want to include in your fresh vegetable juice. More importantly, carrots are amazingly nutritious and healing by themselves.

Carrots' nutritional and healing benefits

The two obvious nutrients most are aware of are vitamin A and beta carotenes. Vitamin A toxicity is possible with vitamin supplements and fish oils, but you cannot overdose on vitamin A with carrots while enjoying their extra large amounts of this vitamin.

Beta-carotene is also a major antioxidant. The vitamin A and beta-carotene help maintain vision along with the carrots' fair share of lutein. Beta-carotene also maintains epithelial tissue, the tissue surrounding internal organs. Epithelial tissues are susceptible to cancerous growths.

Carrots are also rich in poly-acetylene anti-oxidant falcarinol. Research at the University of Newcastle has shown carrot falcarinol destroys pre-cancerous cells in tumors. Carrots do help keep cancer away.

Carrots are deep soil root vegetables, and this enables them to absorb an abundant array of minerals. They are also rich in other vitamins, including the B vitamins and folates. Folate is the natural and safe provider of folic acid.

The list of nutrients doesn't really measure up to carrots' actual regenerative capacity, especially when juiced. Obviously, the unique synergy of its enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and flavonoids provides herbal healers with a magical remedy when juiced.

Drinking carrot juice

Drinking carrot juice cleanses and restores the liver. The liver is our body's master cleanser - without which we would die from internal toxic buildups while detoxing all those external toxic sources we've taken in. Carrot juice has been called the golden juice of healing.

Dr. John Christopher, the father of modern American herbalism, has expressed amazement of carrot juice's healing qualities. The Gerson Therapy, carried on today by Dr. Max Gerson's daughter and grandson, relies heavily on fresh carrot combined with apple juices. The Gerson Therapy successfully treats cancer patients who have been given up on.

Dr. Max Gerson developed his dietary and detoxification approach to treat many diseases in addition to cancer. For critical illnesses, it's best to juice several carrots with a few apples often while fasting from solid foods for awhile.

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