Health Benefits Of Salmon Fish

This is an extraordinary fish which lives out it’s life cycle between the ocean and inland rivers. The nutritional benefits slightly change between farmed and non-farmed salmon. Atlantic salmon is mostly farmed, whereas Pacific is usually caught in wild.
The nutrition information (on the right) shows the values for Atlantic salmon which has been cooked.  As one of the best sources for protein it contains many other nutrients which help to enhance general health.

Omega 3

Even though considered an oily fish, this term is used for marking out the Omega-3 content of salmon.  These fatty acids are essential and not synthesized by the body. They are responsible though for mediation of different metabolic activities.  There are many supplements available on the market which claim having Omega-3 benefits. However they are mostly plant based products and don’t contain the full profile of long chain n-3 fatty acids. The Research has been long and strong providing plenty of evidence about benefits of eating omega 3.


There has been a significant proof that eating salmon enhances immunity of infants if the mother consumed it in earlier stages of pregnancy. Eating fish one a week during pregnancy also decreases risk of low birth weight. This is thanks to Omega 3 though the content of vitamin D and Selenium also contributes to this benefit. Lack of vitamin D also has a strong correlation with risks of influenza and tuberculosis aswell as asthma.  Omega 3 intake has been proven to be also beneficial for cancer patients as it enhances appetite, weight and general health.

Cardiovascular health

Omega 3 reduce the triglyceride levels in blood what reduces the risk of heart attack. Fatty acids also break down fibrin which cause blood clotting thus may lower blood pressure. Cardiac arrhythmias also might be prevented.  Protein content will also contribute to repair of damaged tissue. The most beneficial is the reduction of excess fatty acids. The risks of heart attack decrease dramatically when the lipid levels are reduced.
Neurological improvement

Astaxanthin is the pigment which makes salmon look pink is carotenoid and an antioxidant. It has shown an anti-inflammatory effect, beneficial impact on brain, immunity and cardiovascular system. Consumed regularly it reduces levels of phospholipid hydroperoxidases in red blood cells which in abnormal levels causes dementia in elderly. B12, also present in salmon at high levels is essential for the function of nervous system. It originates from bacteria thus mostly found just in animal origin foods. Deficiency might occur within vegetarians with causing vascular thrombosis, hypokalaemia and gout. Riboflavin (B2) also found in liver and asparagus (see benefits of eating asparagus) has been used to treat migraines and relief the pain in muscles. Omega 3 is also associated with prevention of macular degeneration. Overall nutrient complex of salmon works together to protect the brain and enhance it’s activity.


B6 plays a major role in the glucose production from glycogen. It takes part in many metabolic reactions related to macronutrient breakdown, synthesis of amino acids and gene expression.

B5 is required in animals for synthesis of Coenzyme-A and metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It lowers the cholesterol levels in blood aswell as help to lose weight. While dieting it might lower the effect of hunger and weakness plus enhance the breakdown of fats.

However niacin (B3) will contribute to preserving of fats in the blood and has been often used to increase the HDL levels for patients who lack fats in the blood. B3 is also responsible for DNA repair and production of steroid hormones in humans.

Benefits of eating astaxanthin include also help against diabetes in obese people through reducing oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is an imbalance of metabolic reactions which might cause the production of free radicals. This imbalance is associated with the development of cancer, many neurological disorders and cardiac illnesses. In studies this antioxidant has shown to lower lipid concentration, improve kidney and liver health. The recovery from diabetic ulceration also has been more effective due to B5 intake.


Salmon is a very nutritious and its benefits are uncountable though there are some aspects which should be taken in consideration.  Too much intake of fatty acids even they are beneficial is not recommended. The daily acceptable amount is 1.1g/day for women and 1.6 for men which exceeded regularly might cause health problems with opposite effects from those you want to achieve. People who already suffer from health issues related cardiovascular system should also be cautious with the consumption of Omega-3 as it might cause even more severe damage.

Benefits of eating salmon:

  • Enhance immunity
  • Might prevent low birth weight
  • Reduces risk of heart attack
  • Enhance cardiovascular health
  • Prevent diabetes
  • Relief pain and enhance mood
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Might prevent different cancers
  • Enhance metabolism
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Reduce oxidation stress
  • Improve renal and hepatic function
  • Contributes to healthy brain and nervous system
  • Enhances skin health

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