Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts

Foldable,waterproof Google Glass soon.

If you still have a dream to own the eye-wearable device Google Glass, wait for its smarter version that is fold able and more durable, media reported.

7 things security experts do to keep safe online.

Cyber security experts aren’t like you or I, and now we have the evidence to prove it. Researchers at Google interviewed more than 200 experts to find out what security practices they actually carry out online, and then spoke to almost 300 non-experts to find out how they differ.

Fake iPhone factory busted in China.

Police in China's capital city of Beijing busted a factory that produced over 41,000 fake Apple iPhone, the media reported on Tuesday.
The factory was discovered on May 14 and was revealed in a social media posting by Beijing's public security bureau, reported.

Tech leaders warn over 'killer robots'.

A group of top tech leaders, including British scientist Stephen Hawking and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, on Tuesday issued a stern warning against the development of so-called killer robots.

Ebola vaccine shows 'promising' results: WHO.

Preliminary results of tests on an Ebola vaccine to be published in British science magazine The Lancet later Friday have shown "promising" results, World Health Organisation Director-General Margaret Chan said.

Sucking carbon from the sky may not slow climate change.

As US President Barack Obama finalizes plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions today, climate researchers are wondering whether even more extreme measures will be needed—such as using machines to suck carbon dioxide from the environment. Now, a new study of these so-called carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies finds that the strategy would have only a minimal impact, says Science magazine.

Pollution raises risk of dementia.

Swedish researchers have uncovered a direct link between polluted air and dementia.
People who live in homes exposed more heavily to pollution run a 40 percent greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia than those who live in areas with cleaner air, a study at Umea University says.

New selfie app for a natural look.

A new selfie app that has been launched will help capture the perfect self-portrait by enhancing one’s natural looks.

The app, called Bestie, offers 22 mood filters for self-portraits, The Next Web reported.

Frequent spicy meals linked to human longevity.

People who request an extra kick to their curry could also be adding years to their life, according to a large study which linked frequent consumption of spicy food to longevity, says The Guardian.

Facebook to allow B2P messaging.

Facebook Inc (FB.O) rolled out features Wednesday that enable businesses to privately communicate with customers through messages as part of the social networking company's push to make its Messenger app a stand-alone platform.

Some SEO Tricks and Hints.

The most flashing topic for debate and discussion in the IT industry is SEO, Search Engine Optimization. This discussion will be unending as day by day the use of search engines is increasing. People tend to use the SEO techniques in order to increase their website’s online presence. This IT field keeps on updating on a regular basis. SEO is never dead but it changes as per the needs and the market demand.

Stop Child Labour - School Is Way To Stop,

The Stop Child Labour campaign is a joint lobby; education and awareness raising campaign that seeks to eliminate child labour through the provision of full time formal education. 

The Problem of Child Labour.

An eight year old boy making his livelihood by showing a playful monkey in a running train inIndia in 2011.
See also: Children's rights

EVERY child is born with the right to live, but not an equal chance.

World Water Day March 22: 4,000 children die daily from unclean water and poor sanitation 

Child Survival in the wake of
Haiti's devastating earthquake
This year almost nine million children around the world could die from basic illnesses before their fifth birthday. We stopped this happening in rich countries? We can stop it in poor countries

Civilization Crisis, Humanity Cries.

What is called civilization? Is it not a system of living or a standard of living? We live in a civilization. By the help of globalization the common system and standard is prevailing all over the world. There is another cause for the same civilization all over the mankind.

Child Labour in Today's World.

Child labor means employment of a child in any kind of work other than household chores etc. The age, until which a person will be considered a child, is dependent on respective countries, although an age limit has been suggested by the Convention concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment 1973,

Green World: A Universal Dream.

Environment scientists are discovered that green house effect is growing higher and higher day by day. Because of increasing CFC, Sulfur Dioxide, Carbon Dioxide etc at the atmosphere. Environmental researchers have found that the developed countries are producing 85% of CFC and 50% of Carbon dioxide in every year and both of these gases are harmful for ozone layer.

Water Crisis in Bangladesh and Some Thoughts.

Nature creates and regulates every thing of the universe. In the course of time, nature itself under goes a change by its own law. This change though has merits and demerits yet this is essential for the cosmos. The destruction of one side of a river ensures new habitation on other side. In the same way,

Extra Earning,Pleasure: Tips for Earning.

An idle brain is the devil’s workshop’, says a proverb. We should do something meaningful in our free time. Nothing goes like it, if we get pleasure and earn something in doing jobs of our interest in our pastime. Earning more means using our potentialities more. Besides, if we earn more, we can save for the rainy days, can spend for education and training and can help others in crisis. Here are a few ways how we can earn in our idle time.

Learn English in the shortest time & easiest way

Whether you are a multilingual, bilingual, or monolingual, language is not something that you can learn. You become an efficient user of a particular language only because you undergo a natural process of acquisition.